Instagram: @another_august 1. What’s your story? Where are you from?Hi! My name is Tess Tseng, I’m from Taiwan where I work as a freelancer. I have loved drawing since I was young, but I didn't take art as a career in the first place. After working in other fields for a few years, I changed my track and wanted to engage in art-related work. Then I worked as a graphic designer for three years, now I am an illustrator. 大家好! 我是Tess Tseng是個土生土長的台灣人,現在住在桃園市。我從小就喜歡畫畫,但是我一開始並沒有想以藝術作為職業。在其他領域工作了幾年後,我轉換跑道,想從事藝術相關的工作。之後當過三年的平面設計師,現在正努力的成為一名插畫家。 2. Tell us about your aesthetic.My work aesthetic is cozy, soft, and using texture to give them a hand-drawn look. 我的風格主要是讓人感到輕鬆自在,且運用暖色及材質來幫助我表達想呈現的東西。 3. What is your favourite medium and why?All my works are digital. I love its efficiency, it allows me to try different textures, brushes, and colors. It’s very helpful to me because I always love to try new things and new styles. 我的作品都是電繪,因為它的便利性能讓我使用不同的材質、筆刷、顏色。對於豐富我的作品有很大的幫助。 4. What is your artistic process like?Once I got ideas in my mind, I’ll gather reference photos and make the mood board. Then, I draw a sketch, make a color-palette and finish whole project on my iPad pro. 一旦我有靈感時,我會搜尋參考圖並製作mood board。再來就是畫出草稿與製作配色,最後用ipad pro完成我的插畫。 5. Who and/or what inspires your work?I got inspiration from photography, movies, books and everything. People are my most important source. 我從攝影作品、電影、書籍中獲得靈感。但人是我最重要的靈感來源。 6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?Art is a part of my life, it helps me express and focus. It also taught me to look at things from different angles. 藝術是我人生的一部分,它幫助我表達以及專心。也教導我用不同的角度去看待事物。 7. Where did you study?I didn’t study illustration, I learned it by myself. 我是自學的 。
8. Where do you see yourself in five years?I think I’ll continue to work on illustration and use my creativity to explore more possibilities. 我想繼續從事更多的插畫工作,繼續運用我的創意來創造更多的可能性。 9. What about in ten?Ten years is a very long time, I hope that by then I will still be passionate about my work. 十年是很漫長的時間,我希望到那時我仍然對我的工作充滿熱情。 10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?Two years ago, I started uploading my illustrations to my IG account and got feedback from everyone. When people tell me that they feel relaxed and inspired by my illustrations, I feel that I have reached my goal. 兩年前,我開始將我的插畫上傳到我的IG帳號並得到大家的回饋。當大家跟我說他們從我的插畫裡感覺到放鬆並且從中得到啟發時,我覺得我達到目標了。 11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?All kinds of food. I’m a foodie. 我喜歡各式各樣的美食,我是個吃貨。 12. Favourite book?100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez 《百年孤寂》加布列·賈西亞·馬奎斯 。
13. Favourite genre of music?80’s/90’s hip hop music and chill music. 80/90年代的嘻哈以及chill music 。
14. What are your hobbies?I prefer indoor activities, such as listening to music, watching movies and read manga. 我比較偏愛靜態的活動,像是聽音樂、看電影或是漫畫之類的。 15. If you weren’t an artist, what would you be?A graphic designer. 平面設計師 。
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