Instagram: @chuchiehlee Behance: Dribble: Website:
1. What's your story? Where are you from?Hi, I am Chu-Chieh Lee, 27 years old and I am a motion graphic designer in Taiwan. I love design, illustration and animation. My artistic training started in elementary school and I learned animation in college. After graduated from school, I chose motion graphics as my profession. Art and drawing are always the crucial parts of my life. 嗨,我是李竺潔,今年27歲,來自台灣,為一名動態影像設計師,熱愛設計、插畫與動畫。我的藝術學習之路開始於小學,動畫是於大學時學習的,畢業後選擇了動態影像設計為職業目標,但一直以來,藝術與繪畫無疑是我生活的一部份。![]() 2. Tell us about your aesthetic.Most of my work shows a lot of bold color, geometry shapes, lines and brushes elements. I love simple but detailed style, so that I’ve been trying so hard to make it my personal feature. I think my aesthetic has been influenced by many perspectives, such as artistic training, passions of graphic design and the experience of animation…etc. The bold and energy of Western contemporary design and art varies my art. I learned a lot of American mid-century design from my last job and I really like it. I love Bauhaus and De Stijl style as well. Eastern traditional art such as Chinese calligraphy and ink painting also plays a crucial role on my creative path. It emphasizes the importance of lingering charm and Chi. I believe all these features show up in my works from time to time. 鮮明的用色、幾何造型、線條與筆刷是常出現在我作品中的要素,我喜歡簡單大方但富含細節、精緻的風格,一直以來努力將此做為個人特色。 我的審美受到許多方面的影響,無論是生長環境,藝術學習的歷程、平面設計的愛好與動畫製作的經驗等等,西方近代設計與藝術的大膽、自由奔放帶給我的影響很大,除了之前工作中所學到的關於20世紀中期現代主義風格的東西之外,我也很喜歡包浩斯與荷蘭風格等設計流派;另一方面,東方傳統藝術風格也影響我很多,像是中國書法與水墨畫強調留白與氣韻,相信這些東西都潛移默化、不時體現在我的創作歷程之中。3. What is your favourite medium and why?To make the process from drawing to animation easier, I use computer as my main medium. I also have a Wacom Cintiq tablet to make my production more efficient. Adobe photoshop and illustrator are softwares I use most of the times. 為了方便繪圖到動畫的流程,主要還是使用電腦為創作媒材,除了電腦還有手繪板、Wacom繪圖螢幕,常用的軟體為Adobe Photoshop 和 Illustrator。4. What is your artistic process like?It depends. I usually sketch first. After trying several ideas and compositions on paper, I scan my sketches into the computer and then finish coloring. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty, sometimes I just create elements by hands. 根據不同的作品類型會有不同的流程,但通常都會先在紙上打稿,嘗試不同的想法與構圖,然後掃描進電腦做進一步的完稿。需要時我不怕弄髒自己的雙手,動手製作素材。5. Who and/or what inspires your work?I get inspirations from everything from my daily life such as traveling, photography, movies, music, exhibitions, magazines or books. I like to draw down things/people who I love or the statue that I really want to be in. I also enjoy contemporary art and get inspirations from it. 靈感來自所有日常的事物,像是旅行、拍照、電影、音樂、展覽、雜誌和書等等,我喜歡畫下身邊喜愛的人事物,或是一個想沈浸的狀態。我也很喜歡近代藝術,常常從中得到許多啟發。6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?Art really plays a huge role in my life. I guess It may make me become more observant of the details and make the world full of beauty and fun. I actually can’t imagine the world without it. 藝術在我的生命中扮演了不可或缺的角色,我猜他讓我更加具有對於細節的觀察力,也讓眼中的世界變得更加有趣,完全無法想像少了藝術的人生會是怎樣。![]() 7. Where did you study?I studied in animation as my major in college based in Taiwan,Taipei. After college, I’ve learn a lot about motion graphics. I consider myself as a self-taught designer/illustrator. 大學時於台灣台北就讀動畫科系,設計與插畫是另外自學,畢業後於業界(Bito Studio)學習與琢磨動態影像設計。8. Where do you see yourself in five years?Hard question….hope I could travel around the world with my pen and skills? (or just travel around the world) 好難的問題⋯⋯希望能透過筆和技能遊歷不同國家(或是就環遊世界)?9. What about in ten?Just keep learning new stuff passionately, exploring….try not to be boring or feel bored. 富含熱情的學習新事物,不停地探索,讓自己不覺得無聊或成為不無聊的人。10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?I hope I could bring perspectives and skills of design, illustration and art that I’ve learned so far into my motion graphics works. Let work communicate and express by itself not only through visual languages but also through time and sound/music, solving problems in a clever way. 我希望可以將目前於設計插畫與藝術的所學帶入動態作品中,讓作品除了視覺表現外還有時間與聲音的要素,並用聰明有效的方式解決問題、傳達訊息或表達自我。![]() 11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?All of Taiwanese foods. 所有台灣的食物12. Favourite book?Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, Kafka on the shore by Haruki Murakami. 阿拉斯加之死、海邊的卡夫卡。13. Favourite genre of music?Indie everything, electronic, rock, jazz… My range is quite board. 我聽音樂的風格範圍很廣,獨立音樂、電音、搖滾、爵士等等,沒有非常的特定。14. What are your hobbies?Gardening, hanging out with friends,watching movies, reading, traveling, dancing with my two left feet. 弄弄植物、看電影、跟朋友聚聚、看書、旅行、隨興跳舞。15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?Maybe a fashion designer or a singer? 也許是服裝設計師或歌手?![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Comments are closed.