Instagram: @makoto_works_ Website:
1. What's your story? Where are you from?Hello, I’m Makoto Maruyama from Tokyo, Japan. I lived on an island in Tokyo which is called Hachijyo-jima until I was 10 years old. As it has been lushly greenery there, my motto was not to go home without getting something once I went out. Whenever I coincidently met something like might be able to eat, some bones, interesting stones and small animals & cats, I used to go home with all of them. I have ever gone back home with a baby goat I met on another island (not living any peoples in) near to my home island. The time having lived on the island had been so fulfilling for me. こんにちは、丸山真琴です。日本の東京都出身です。10歳まで東京都にある、八丈島で暮らしていました。とても自然豊かな所で、散歩に出たらただでは帰らない事をモットーにしていました。食べられる物や、骨、石、小動物やネコなどを拾い、近くの無人島に行った時には、親とはぐれた子ヤギを見つけて、家に連れ帰ったりしていました。とても幸せな幼少時代だったと思います。![]() 2. Tell us about your aesthetic.It was a mild climate on the island where I grew up as it has been located in southward from Tokyo. But I remember we often faced natural disasters as it didn’t only rain much but a typhoon often came in the season as well. Meanwhile, I felt like something beautiful about a tingle of color like natural phenomenons because I was young then. It has still remained in me as one memory which is a color. That’s why the colors I mainly use might be a little bit humid touch. If I select the basic color (i.e. blue), I always blend it adding white, a bit black & a further little brown. Then, I can feel at ease. Although I sometimes long for a bright one, I just use it as a bit as I can whenever I would try. Then, I’m making the color generate much going with the tint of gray. 私が育った島は、東京より南にあるので気候が温暖なのですが、雨や台風も多く、それに伴う被害も多かったと思います。しかし、子供だった私は、その様々な自然現象を美しいと感じていて、たぶんそれが、色の記憶として残っているので、私がメインで使う色には「湿気」が多いと感じます。元々の絵の具の色、例えば青だったら青に、白と、ちょっとの黒と、さらに少ない茶色を混ぜます。中間色にする事によって、気持ちが落ち着きます。鮮やかな色に憧れもあるのですが、使う時は最小限にとどめて、グレートーンの中で際立たせたいと思っています。3. What is your favourite medium and why?I principally use acrylic paints. The reason for that is because it makes possible to layer colors like oils and/or to make them bleed like watercolors by using acrylic paints. I sometimes depict some on wooden panels. Not only that, I make collages too. おもにアクリル絵の具を使います。油絵のように色を重ねる事も、水彩画のように滲ませる事もできる点が好きです。木製パネルに描く事もあります。コラージュもします。4. What is your artistic process like?I usually imagine by sketching roughly with a watercolor pencil at first. After that, it depends on the occasion. In case I couldn’t imagine anything, then I try to imagine in associated with an interesting word or also try to look for a combination of colors that makes me feel exciting. Otherwise, I walk around my house or sometimes go outside. If all else unsuccessful, then I give up and watch movies. たいていは、まず水彩色鉛筆で、思いついたイメージをラフに描きます。後の行程は、その時によって変わります。何もイメージが浮かばない時は、気になる言葉から連想を試みたり、ワクワクする色の組み合わせを探します。それもダメな時は、家の中をウロウロします。そのまま外に出たりもします。それでもダメな時は諦めて、映画を観ます。5. Who and/or what inspires your work?I’m inspired by interesting things, absurdity, nature, animals, plants, words, interesting people, the usual and unusual events in daily life. And also inspired by the colors, textures and presence I feel through old things, and the day of exquisite beauty balance of temperature and humidity as well. In addition, as my mom used to read picture books to me every night when I was a child, so I think the various picture books she read must’ve deeply affected me. 面白い事、不条理、自然、動物、植物、言葉、面白い人。日常生活の中の、普通で変わった出来事。古い物の色や質感と存在。気温と湿度のバランスが絶妙な日。それから、子供の頃、毎晩母が絵本を読んでくれたので、その様々な絵本の影響を大きく受けていると思います。6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?Art is always playing a role for me, similar to relieving me from ordinary days and leading me fully to the world. Not only that, Art makes it possible to see something I couldn’t just look at so far. I don’t think I’m an artist, however, I hope I wanna be depicting works that can give some kind of good feelings to my audience. 私を日常から切り離し、完全に引き込みます。見えない物を見えるようにしてくれる。私は自分がアーティストだと思っていませんが、観てくれた人の、何らかの感情を引き起こす物が描けたらいいなと思っています。![]() 7. Where did you study?I studied painting on my own. Basically, I was studying interior design previously, so I was drawing some layout & perspective drawings before. I think I learned to paint basically & essentially from my parents because my parents were the teachers for painting. Whenever I showed my work to them, they pointed out some mistakes and that always got me hurt. Although I felt frustrated sometimes as it didn't make the mark, that had eventually led me to the current self. 絵は独学です。元々はインテリアデザインを学んでいたので、図面やパースを描いていました。両親が美術教師なので、絵の基本的な事、本質的な事は、両親から学んだと思います。作品を見せては、痛い所を突かれたりして、的を得ているだけに悔しい思いもしましたが、はっ、とする事も多々あり、それが今につながっていると思います。8. Where do you see yourself in five years?I would have painted more than now. Especially, I wish I could be a picture book writer (I'd like to work together with Mr. Rintarou Uchida if possible). And I want to hold my solo exhibition overseas. 今より多くの、絵を描く仕事をしていたい。中でも絵本の仕事を。(欲を言えば、内田麟太郎さん仕事がしたい。)海外で展示もしたいです。9. What about in ten?I’ve no idea yet. However, I hope I get to do some things I wanna do. わかりませんが、自分のやりたい事ができている。10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?I always think that I’ll keep painting pictures so as to rescue animals in the world. Currently, I can only donate a small part of what I got by selling my artwork but I'm gonna keep painting to rescue animals with many more meanings. I want children in the world to like animals. 私が絵を描く事が、動物達を助ける事につながれば、と、いつも思っています。今は、絵の売り上げを寄付する事しかできていないけど、もっと広く、継続的な意味で。子供達には動物を大好きになってほしいです。![]() 11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?Fruit, Sweets, Fusion cuisine… but I like anything if delicious. フルーツ、スウィーツ、多国籍な料理...でもおいしければ何でも好きです。12. Favourite book?No Longer Human, Metamorphosis, Il Barone Rampante,…Jumping mouse, Picture book of travel (Mitsumasa Anno), Goodnight Moon (Margaret Wise Brown), The Snowman, Series of Guri & Gura, The picture books by Chou Shinta, Edward Gorey… 人間失格、変身、木登り男爵、それからはスープの事ばかり考えて暮らした… ジャンピング マウス、旅の絵本(安野光雅)、おやすみなさいお月さま、ゆきだるま、ぐりとぐらシリーズ、長新太の絵本、エドワードゴーリーの絵本...13. Favourite genre of music?I listen to various kinds of music. I also like several kind of music instruments. So, I love Rock, Folk, Japanese Rock, Indies, Acoustic, World music, Old Brazilian music and so on… I seem to like more visual music. 色々聴きます。ロック、フォーク、邦楽ロック、インディーズ、アコースティック、ワールドミュージック、...古いブラジルの曲も好きです。特に映像的な曲が好きなんだと思います。14. What are your hobbies?Watch a movie, Read a book, I smell a DIY store. Always to dote on my cat and I like traveling. 映画を観る。本を読む、ホームセンターのにおいを嗅ぐ、ネコをかわいがる…旅行も好きです。15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?I might be continuing the work relating to interior design. A picture restorer (need to do it with a team). Or I might’ve worked as a part-timer in a DIY store. インテリア関係の仕事を続けているか、絵画修復士。チームでやるやつ。または、ホームセンターでバイト。![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Comments are closed.