Instagram: @miwa_morning Twitter: @natsuki_miwa Facebook:, Website:
1. What's your story? Where are you from?I am illustrator from Japan, and 29 years old. I grew up in Gifu city until I was 18, and then moved to New York for study for two years. Now, I am in Tokyo with my husband and a lot of beautiful plants, and enjoying Tokyo life. 29歳、日本出身のイラストレーター。 18歳まで岐阜で育ち、その後2年間ニューヨークに住んでいました。 現在は夫と素敵な植物たちと、東京ライフを楽しんでいます。![]() 2. Tell us about your aesthetic.I like colorful, and I love all the vivid color and bright colors specially. Thousands of colors make me feel happy. And I have drawn a lot of colorful girls and colorful animals. The girl who is drawn by me does not seem to be sometimes happy (They do not make a smile forcibly). But I think that they always feel free and happy. カラフルな色彩が好きで、ビビットで明るい色が特に好きです。 いつも自由で幸せな女の子たちと、動物をよく描いています。3. What is your favourite medium and why?Most of my works are drawn in acrylic paint. I am used to using acrylic because I have used it since long ago. But I have often used Photoshop recently. Photoshop is the quickest and easiest to work. Now I really want iPad Pro and apple pencil and am going to buy it soon. I know it will become my most favorite. アクリル絵の具をよく使います。 最近はフォトショップを使うことが多いです。フォトショップは作業するのに早いし、すごく便利。 今はiPatがほしくて、もうすぐ買う予定です。1番のお気に入りになりそう。4. What is your artistic process like?Sometimes the idea comes to my mind. But it does not come every day. In that situation I look for something that I want to draw. Anyway, I draw something even if not found. When I write some picture books I start looking for the basic theme of a story while I imagine if I am a very young age girl. And I value exciting feeling and “why?” アイデアがおりてくることもあるけど、いつでもきてくれるわけじゃないから、そういうときは自分で描きたいなって思うものを探します。もし見つかんなくても、とりあえず何か描きます。 絵本を制作するときは、私が女の子(子ども)だったら…ということを想像ながら、テーマを探します。そのとき、わくわくする気持ちや、なんでだろ?の気持ちを、大事にしています。5. Who and/or what inspires your work?I am inspired by books, people, plants, nature, city… So many!! 本や人や植物や自然とかいっぱい6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?Drawing is the only thing that I have been keeping since I was child. I grew up with drawing. It is very happy to create something of only one in the world. I am happy. 絵を描くことは、私が子どものころからずっと続けられていること。 世界でひとつのものを創り出すことは、楽しいし幸せなことだと思います。![]() 7. Where did you study?I studied drawing at the school in Tokyo. And I had interested in psychology of child when I made picture books and I went to a welfare college in Tokyo to study of childcare and education. 東京の絵のスクールに通いました。 また、絵本を描いているうちに子どもの心理に興味を持ち、保育の勉強をするために専門学校へ通いました。8. Where do you see yourself in five years? Working in an agency?Freelancer. Keeping fun and love painting and creating more art. 自営業で、絵を描くことを楽しんで愛して、たくさんの作品を作っています。9. What about in ten?Very shy. I was a girl who hate going to primary school. すごくシャイで、学校が大嫌いな女の子でした。10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?I want creating some animals and characters. And making toys of them. They protect children from nightmare at night. これまで描いてきた動物やキャラクターなどをもとにして、子どもたちの夜を守ってくれるぬいぐるみを作りたいです。![]() 11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?Miso soup, hot water, and foods made by my husband!! みそ汁、白湯、夫の作ったご飯!12. Favourite book?I love books written by Banana Yoshimoto. よしもとばなな13. Favourite genre of music?Piano music ピアノの音が好きです。14. What are your hobbies?Drawing, reading, sleeping, having coffee with my friends. And yoga. 描くこと、読むこと、寝ること、友だちとお茶、あとヨガ15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?Stage actress 舞台俳優![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Comments are closed.