Instagram: @ohnobarbara Tumblr:
1. What's your story? Where are you from?Hi! My name is Barbara and I’m an illustrator and graphic designer, living in Belgrade, Serbia. I’ve finished high school for Design, department for Textile design, but I always knew that my path is going to be away from fashion design and textile. After a high school, I’ve finished my BA and MA at the University for Fresco painting. For a long time, after the college, I’ve been a freelance illustrator, mostly doing murals and street art. Also, with my friend Tijana, i’ve created a small independent design studio, Krishka, where we worked on a various projects, from furniture design to murals, graphic design, art workshops etc. At the moment, I’m a full-time graphic designer in a marketing agency, but I always try to do some freelance jobs beside it. Pozdrav! Zovem se Barbara, ilustrator i graficki dizajner iz Beograda. Zavrsila sam srednju skolu “Skola za Dizajn”, odsek za tekstilno oblikovanje. Posle srednje skole sam zavrsila BA i Master na odseku za Zidno slikarstvo. Dugo posle fakulteta sam bila “freelance” dizajner i ilustrator i pretezno sam se bavila muralima. Sa drugaricom Tijanom sam osnovala nezavisni, dizajn studio “Kriska” gde smo se bavile raznim projketima, od grafickog dizajna, preko dizajna namestaja, radionica itd. Trenutno sam zaposlena kao graficki dizajner u marketinskoj agenciji, ali i dalje radim freelance poslove kad mi vreme dozvoli.![]() 2. Tell us about your aesthetic.I like to combine b/w drawing, both digital and traditional, with bright, intensive color details. I like to experiment a lot, so every project is a bit different from previous one, but I like to believe that I have some common parts in my work, that people immediately can connect with my aesthetics. Volim da kombinujem crno beli crtez sa detaljima intezivnih boja. Volim da eksperimentisem, tako da se svaki projekat razlikuje jedan od drugog, ali volim da verujem da ljudi mogu da prepoznaju moju osobenu likovnu estetiku.3. What is your favorite medium and why?That would definitely be a pencil and color pencils. Most of the time I’m in front of my computer, with a tablet, and don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it very much, but there’s some kind of love connection between me, paper and pencils. To bi definitivno bila olovka, kao i bojice. Vecinu projekata radim digitalno, i iako uzivam u tome, ne mogu a da ne priznam da postoji neka “ljubavna” konekcija izmedju mene, olovki i papira.4. What is your artistic process like?Lately, it’s very chaotic, since I’m doing several different projects at the time, but I’m getting used to it, so it’s okay for me to work like that. I carry a sketchbook with me, all the time, my little visual diary, and some of those doodles become part of some bigger projects. U poslednje vreme je dosta haotican. Uvek radim na nekoliko razlicitih projekata, skacem sa jednog na drugi, ali pretpostavljam da sam se vremenom navikla na to i da ne mogu ni da zamislim da drugacije funkcionisem. Uvek sa sobom nosim blok za crtanje, tako da cesto sve te skice koristim za neke druge radove.5.Who and/or what inspires your work?Interaction with people, music, politics, differences and similarities between childhood and adult life. Interakcija sa ljudima, muzika, politika, razlike i slicnosti izmedju odraslog zivota (sta god to znacilo) i detinjstva.6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?It plays a huge part of my life! I’m very nervous and sad when I don’t have time for personal projects. It’s my shelter and safe place. The best part of it is solving different visual “problems” and have fun along with it. Cini mi se da je ceo moj zivot okrenut prema umetnosti i trudim se da, kad god mogu, “ugrabim” vreme koje mogu da potrosim na neki kreativni proces. Najbolja stvar u vezi bavljenja umetnoscu je resavanje raznih vizuelnih problema dok se u isto vreme i zabavljas.![]() 7. Where did you study?I’ve finished my high school in Belgrade and after that, I’ve got my uni diploma in Kragujevac, city 140km from the capital. Kao sto rekoh, zavrsila sam Dizajnersku u Beogradu, potom sam svoju BA i MA diplomu stekla na Filolosko - umetnickom fakultetu u Kragujevcu.8. Where do you see yourself in five years?I just hope that my work will allow me to travel more with my husband. Nadam se samo da ce mi posao omoguciti da jos vise putujem sa muzom.9. What about in ten?No idea! It would be nice to have small cheese manufactory. Nemam pojma! Znam samo da bih volela da imam malu farmu i da pravim sir :)10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?I would really like if people make sequel in their head based on my visuals stories. Volela bih da ljudi nastave da razvijaju pricu u svojoj glavi inspirisanu mojim vizuelnim zapisima.![]() 11. Favourite foodCheese, and cheese! Did I say cheese, well definitely cheese :) I think I like more side dishes than main ones. Sir, sir i sir! Je l’ sam rekla sir? Definitivno sir!12. Favourite BookOh, it’s impossible to have just one.. Let’s see… Chuck Palahniuk - Choke, Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse-Five, Pelevin - Generation P, F. Beigbeder - French novel and so on and so on. Uh, tesko mi je da nabrojim samo jednu, dozvolicete par… Chuck Palahniuk - Zagrcnut, Kurt Vonnegut - Klanica 5, Pelevin - Generacija P, F. Beigbeder - Francuski roman i tako dalje.13. Favourite genre of musicGrunge, punk hardcore.14. HobbiesI play in a two punk bands, Replicunts and Incomplete. I play bass and sing. Sviram bas i pevam u dva pank benda, Replicunts i Incomplete15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?It’s really hard for me to imagine not doing something connected with visual arts, but I guess I would be musician, or at least I would try to. Verovatno bih se vise bavila muzikom.![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Comments are closed.