Instagram: @tony_illustration Facebook:圖倪作品-111847175577567 Tumblr: Blogger:
1. What's your story? Where are you from?My name is Tony Chen, I am an illustrator artist from Taiwan, my works show on newspapers, magazines, books and many kinds of printed matter, and I also continue to create my own illustrations and story books. 我是圖倪,我是個台灣的插畫藝術家,主要是幫報紙,雜誌,書籍及各種印刷品繪製插畫,同時我也不斷持續的在創作我個人的插畫作品及故事繪本。![]() 2. Tell us about your aesthetic.I think that aesthetics is a very abstract concept, each person's feelings are different, and I think a beautiful works in addition to external beauty, but also must be able to convey the role of ideas and concepts. 我認為美學是一種很抽象的概念,每個人的感受都不同,而我認為一件美的作品除了外在的美感外,還必須要能夠有傳達想法跟概念的作用。3. What is your favourite medium and why?My favorite creative tool is digital mapping software, such as photoshop and illustration , that’s my most commonly used, because it’s easy to modify the drawing, and better to show what I want to express the content. 我最喜歡的創作工具,主要以數位繪圖為主,例如photoshop和illustration等軟體都是我最常用的,主要就是繪圖修改上很方便,同時也更能表現出我想要表達的內容。4. What is your artistic process like?I prepared a lot of notebook for different cases. When I got an idea , I’d like to use pencil draw on the notebook first , that will help me to express the picture I want, and then scan into the computer for coloring. 4.我有很多本筆記本,依照各種不同需求而準備的筆記本。我在繪圖前喜歡用鉛筆在筆記本上構思及構圖我想要表達的畫面,然後再掃描進電腦做上色。5. Who and/or what inspires your work?I’ve seen many works of illustrators or artists from Taiwan or other countries, through their works can made me aware of my lack and got different ideas. 5.我看過很多同時也喜歡很多台灣或者其他國家的插畫家或藝術家的作品,他們的作品都給了我很多不同的想法,也能讓我暸解到自己不足的部份。6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?Art is a part of my work and life, and also I enjoy it. Just like the most of the artists in the world, through their way to make colorful for the world . 藝術已經是我的工作及生活的一部份,我也享受它。而我就跟世界上大部份的藝術家一樣,用著自己的想法與方式來幫這個世界點綴美麗。![]() 7. Where did you study?I have studied all the art concepts and techniques in Taiwan, and now I can through the internet to view and learn many best illustrator artists in the world. 你在那邊學習的? 我在台灣學習了所有的美術概念及技巧,而現在我可以透過網路的方式向世界許多優秀的插畫藝術家觀摩與學習。8. Where do you see yourself in five years?I hope to improve my work have a better concept and ideas in five years, and have the ability to complete it. 你在五年內見到的自已? 我希望在五年內能提升自己的作品在傳達上能有更好的概念與想法,並有能力去完成這樣的想法。9. What about in ten?I hope to complete more stories book and create more works then publish in ten years. 十年呢? 我希望在十年內能完成更多故事繪本創作並出版。10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?I hope my work can be more artistic, more ideas, more aesthetic that’s what I want to convey. 我希望我的作品能夠更有意境,更有想法,更有美感的去傳達我想要傳達的概念。![]() 11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?I like dogs always. And I have a dog, I like it was always quiet near of me when I draw. I also like basketball, michael jordan has been my favorite basketball player. And I also like reading in a free time, watching movies and traveling. In addition, Taiwan snacks are the best food in the world. 我喜歡狗,一直都是。而我也養了一隻狗,我喜歡在繪畫創作時他總是安靜的陪在旁邊。我也喜歡籃球運動,michael jordan一直是我最愛的籃球運動員。而我也喜歡在空閒時看書,看電影還有旅行。另外,台灣小吃是世界上最棒的食物。12. Favourite book?I really like “if you want to see a whale.” 我非常喜歡 if you want to see a whale這本繪本。13. Favourite genre of music?I like the more gentle music, the piano playing class music is great 我喜歡比較輕柔的音樂,鋼琴演奏類的音樂都很棒。14. What are your hobbies?Sports, movies, reading, travel. 運動,電影,看書,旅遊。15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?If I am not an artist, then I might try to open a pet shop. 如果我不是一個藝術家,那我可能會試著開一家寵物用品店。![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Comments are closed.