Instagram: @_kira_sun_
1. What's your story? Where are you from?Originally, I’m from China. Right now, I’m working as a UX designer in the USA. I used to work as a freelance illustrator but then I realized it was very stressful and some clients’ requirements actually restricted my creativity, so now I just take illustration as a hobby so I can experiment more with styles. But I also hope I can attract clients with my (updated) style in the future. 我来自中国。现在我在美国做界面设计师。我曾经作为⾃自由插画师工作过,但后来觉得压力挺大,而且有些客户的要求会限制我的创造力。所以现在我只把插画作为爱好,这样就有更更多空间可以做画⻛风上的实验。但是将来我还是希望能够用我的新画风吸引到更更多的客户。2. Tell us about your aesthetic.I personally love the “unclear” style, which is almost against the major commercial needs. But I think being random and multi-vocal is closer to the essentials of the world, that’s why I want to show it visually. My ultimate goal is that different audiences can find more than one version of stories in my one still illustration. So now I’m trying to add that depth into my works. 我个⼈比较喜欢“不清晰”的风格,这几乎和现在的商业需求背道而驰,但我觉得多义的和随机的东西更接近世界的本质,所以我想在视觉上这样表达。我的终极目标是:不同观众能在我的静态插画中看到不同版本的故事。所以我现在尝试在我的画里加入更多深度。3. What is your favourite medium and why?Good question! I have experimented with many different media: pencil, oil painting, laptop(s) and iPad. Recently I only work on the iPad because it’s a sweet spot between traditional media and computers. I can draw intuitively with the iPad, while also enjoy the convenience of infinite ‘cancel’J. 很好的问题。我尝试过用很多⼯具:铅笔,油画,电脑,iPad。最近我只用iPad画了,因为感觉它是介于传统媒介和电脑之间的⼀一个很好的中点。我可以很直觉 性地在iPad上画,同时可以无限次“取消”。4. What is your artistic process like?I’m trying to get away from a technique-focused process to a more content-focused process. I used to use a lot of brushes and texture on Photoshop, but recently I use only one type of brush doing the basic sketching and filling like what you do on the paper with a pencil or crayon. Sketch-filling-polish, that’s my three-step process. 我现在尝试从一种注重技术的过程转变成重视内容的过程。在PS上画的时候,我用过很多笔刷和纹理,但最近我只用⼀一种笔刷打草稿和平涂,就像你⽤铅笔和蜡 笔在纸上画那样。草稿-平涂-打磨细节,就是我的三步过程。5. Who and/or what inspires your work?Books, movies, and a looooot of artists from ins and history. I may not be able to name all of them, but I dig into artists’ profiles whenever I see something I love, like colors or constructions or stories. 书啦,电影啦,还有很多历史上和INS上的艺术家都会启发我。我叫不全他们的名字,但我每次看到我喜欢的元素,⽐如构图,颜色和故事,都会深挖这个艺术家的资料研究⼀一番。6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?I would rather not define art, because the definition of it differs from everyone. I don’t understand most works in a gallery, like most people who don’t work for art. But I would love to seek beautiful, creepy and shocking things and I will feel happy if I find them. I think that’s the only thing that matters: if you are willing to seek. 我觉得⽆法定义艺术,因为它的定义因⼈人而异。就像大多数不从事艺术工作的人一样,我不理解艺术馆里大多数作品。但我很喜欢寻找美的,怪异的或者惊人的东西,而且找到了会很开心。我觉得这是唯一重要的事情:你愿不愿意去寻找。7. Where did you study?Geographically, I studied at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; but mentally, my study never ended, and it’s from all other great artists. 地理上,我曾在密歇根安娜堡大学上学;但精神上,我⼀一直在向所有好的艺术家学习。8. Where do you see yourself in five years?Probably in Forbes’ 30 under 30 list. (Kidding!) To be honest, I don’t know. My life has been changing a lot over a year, but my guess is I’ll still be working as a UX designer, while keep drawing. ⼤概在福布斯 30 个 30 岁以下名人榜单里吧(开玩笑)。老实说我不太清楚。我的生活在过去⼀年就变化很大,但我猜五年后我可能仍然是个界面设计师,并且仍然在画画。9. What about in ten?Eventually, I hope I can work as a full-time freelancer and travel around the world while working. 我希望可以最终成为全职⾃由插画家,一边环游世界一边工作。10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?I treat life too seriously, which is why I constantly need comfort from others. Sometimes I can get it from other's illustrations or books. I hope my art can do the same -reach far and comfort tons of people like me -who's still struggling for life. 我对生活太严肃了,所以很经常会需要别人的安慰。有时候我可以从书和别人的画⾥得到安慰。我希望我的作品也可以有一样的效果:影响和安慰到很多和我一样在为生活挣扎的人。11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?I’ll tell you if you would like to treat me. (You don’t want to do that; my list is long.) 请我吃饭就告诉你。(最好不要,单子很长。)12. Favourite book?The Three Body Problem-for space. Harry Porter-for humanity. 三体 –为了太空。哈利利波特 –为了人性。13. Favourite genre of music?Korean pop for now. Coz it’s kinda heartless so it won’t make me unnecessarily emotional. 最喜欢 K POP,因为感觉很⽆无情,不不会让我⽆无缘⽆无故就伤感。14. What are your hobbies?Eating. Drawing (surprise!) Shopping. Playing WOW, Playing Dress-up Games. Horror movies. Novels. 吃,画(惊讶吧),买,魔兽世界,换装游戏,恐怖电影,看小说。15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?A lawyer, feels so cool, and I’m good at argument. :P 当律师吧,感觉很酷,而且我很会理论。 :PComments are closed.