Instagram: @adria_ramirez Website:
1. What is your story? Where are you from?I am born in Tarragona, a small city in the Mediterranean. I have always had an interest in art, drawing, or wanting to tell stories, but I did not link these concerns through graphic media. It has been in the last years of my life how the interest in creating images and drawing in the professional field has aroused me. Soc nascut a Tarragona, una petita ciutat del mediterrani. Sempre he tingut interès per l’art, el dibuix o ganes d’explicar històries, pero no vinculaba aquestes inquietuds a través de mitjans gràfics. Ha sigut en els últims anys de la meva vida cuán ha despertat en mi l’interès per la creació d’imatges i el dibuix en l’àmbit professional.2. Explain your aesthetics.I do not think I have my own aesthetic, I think that aesthetics must adapt to the needs of each project. I'm interested in the stain, represent the volume and emphasize it with noise (digital) as a texture. No considero que tingui una estética propia, crec que l'estètica ha d'adaptar-se a les necessitats de cada projecte al que m’enfronto. Tot hi això m’interessa la taca, representar el volum enfatitzat a través del soroll (digital) com a textura.3. What is your favourite medium and why?Currently, I make my illustrations in a digital medium, I’m in love with my Ipad. so I really like to be able to go back in time and be able to correct or try new possibilities. I also like to experience in all kinds of techniques, watercolors, graphite, collage… En la actualitat realitzo les meves il·lustracions en format digital per que m’agrada molt tenir la possibilitat de tornar enrere en el temps i poder corretgir o provar noves possibilitats. Tot hi això m’agrada experimentar amb tot tipus de tècniques, acuarela, grafit, collage…4. What is your artistic process like?I usually start projects by making very small sketches and looking for visual references. I also usually create digital collages to use them as a reference. Then I work with layers of colored flat stain where I will be superimposing layers of texture to work the volume. Generalment començo els projectes realitzant esbossos molt petits i una recerca de referents visuals. També acostumo a crear collages digitals per usarlos com a referent. Després treballo amb capes de taca plana de color on aniré superposant capes de textura per treballar-ne el volum.5. Who and/or what inspires your work?I think the small and old objects of the last century are very interesting, due to their lost functionality and their aesthetics. Science fiction, paradoxes and lately anything. Crec que son molt interessants els objectes petits i antics del segle passat, per la seva funcionalitat perduda i la seva estètica. La ciència ficció, les paradoxes i últimament qualsevol cosa.6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?I have become a more analytical person with everything that surrounds me, how light affects people or objects and I am always waiting to take pictures in case they can be used to illustrate later. Quin paper juga l'art a la teva vida? Com canvia la manera de veure el món? M’he tornat una persona mes analitica amb tot el que m’envolta, en com afecta la llum a les persones o als objectes i estic sempre pendent de fer fotografíes per si em poden servir per fer una il·lustració més endavant.7. Where did you study?At the Art and Design School of Tarragona. A l’Escola d’art i disseny de Tarragona.8. Where do you see yourself in five years?Doing the same thing, but having consolidated a language and own style. Em veig fent el mateix, però havent consolidat un llenguatge i estil propi.9. What about in ten?I do not want to think about it too much, I do not worry about the passage of time. We can talk again in 2029 ;) No vull pensar-hi massa, no em preocupa el pas del temps. En tornem a parlar al 2029 ;)10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?Entertainment, I like to tell stories and draw something that can suggest a different secondary story for each reader. l’Entreteniment, m’agrada explicar histories i dibuixar quelcom que pugui suggerir una historia secundaria diferent per a cada lector.11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?I’m enthusiastic about eating, I like almost everything. From a good Calçotada (local food typical of Catalonia) to Ramen Tonkotsu, through spaghetti to pesto. Soc molt fan de menjar, m’agrada gaire bé tot. Desde una bona Calçotada (menjar local típic de Catalunya) fins al Ramen Tonkotsu, passant per els espaguetis al pesto.12. Favourite book?If I choose one I'll be staying with George R. R. Martin's fire and ice song. Si n’he de triar un em quedo amb Cançó de foc i gel de George R. R. Martin.13. Favourite genre of music?I hear a lot of variety, but I have to choose one I'm staying with Hip Hop. Escolto molta varietat, pero s’hi n’he de triar un em quedo amb el Hip Hop.14. What are your hobbies?I really like watching movies, making hip hop beats, or playing video games alone or with friends. I also like cooking, tasting wines or take a walk with my dogs. M’agrada molt veure cine, el beatmaking o jugar a videojocs sol o amb amics. També m’agrada cuinar, tastar vins o passejar a les meves gosses.15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?I have never known it. No ho he sapigut mai.Comments are closed.