Instagram: @duajisin Twitter: @duajisin Website:
1. What's your story? Where are you from?Hi! My name is Andras Ferenczy I'm an illustrator/animator living in Cluj, Romania. After graduation and a failed attempt at freelancing, I moved to Liverpool for three years working as creative at a local design agency, doing illos and animations for the most part. I enjoyed it quite a lot but wanted to give freelancing another try and a couple months ago I moved back to Romania.2. Tell us about your aesthetic.Nowadays I feel like I'm more drawn to/being inspired by a more minimal and clean visual approach, and love to introduce metaphysical elements into my comps, mainly if it's personal work. In my recent work, I focused on recreating atmospheres of constant unease, uncertainty. For some reason, I rely heavily on the expressivity of the human figure and geometric shapes, deconstructing and rearranging them is something that I revisit a lot.3. What is your favourite medium and why?When I was at uni I remember enjoying to mess around a lot with charcoal and I mostly did my studies in it and pencil. I used to draw a lot with ballpoint pens as well, mainly because I was naturally more drawn to a line-based medium which included a lot of figurative experimenting. Later on, I started doing lino/woodcuts and these led me to introduce colour variations into my work and with time I felt a bit less clunky with them. Nowadays I mainly work digitally. I prefer it a lot since it gives you a lot of room to experiment, to be spontaneous and you can mould this medium to your own preference and convenience.4. What is your artistic process like?I probably have at least 20+ WIP folders, all of them being at various stages of production. Rarely do I work on one single illustration - especially if it's a personal one - , since I might have to jump on a different project which might include animation, or character design or something else and I get distracted. I tend to leave things unfinished quite often and not be particularly precise with a so-called process/method. In general, I get the lineart out of the way rather quickly, then spend two months figuring out the colour palette and eventually ditching the whole thing :)5. Who and/or what inspires your work?In no particular order: films, books, pinterest, tumblr, my dad, music, good talks, youtube, nature, people in general. I think this is as vague as it gets.6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?I love creating for the sake of creating. It's something that I don't think about too much or pay too much attention to it.7. Where did you study?At the University of Arts and Design in Cluj, Romania.8. Where do you see yourself in five years?I've spent/wasted an awfully lot of time pre-producing and mostly overthinking the visuals for my film. This can get surprisingly exhausting and mentally draining after a while, since it usually eats in my spare time. Would be nice to finally start the production and eventually finish it(?)9. What about in ten?Repeat the above.10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?Since I pretty much gave up on trying to find a unique style, I'll just keep experimenting and see where it gets me. I'm not sure what the end goal is. That being said, would love to get on tumblr radar.11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?I'd have to say gummy bears of any kind. It's unimaginative, extremely vague and probably not even a real food, but it surely tells a lot about me.12. Favourite book?Not really a favourite, but usually the last one I finish reading: murakami - norwegian wood.13. Favourite genre of music?I go through phases. Currently intelligent dance music (idm)/Lowkey dance/deep house and anything in-between.14. What are your hobbies?I tend to run quite a lot. I should start collecting something at some point, a lot of people get a kick out of it apparently15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?Probably an athlete of some sorts. A mediocre one.Comments are closed.