Instagram: @melancholykidofficial 1. What's your story? Where are you from?I grew up in the midwest in America in the early 2000s. I took up so many hobbies as a kid - karate, drums, guitar, skateboarding, biking and many more, all but the arts. I was forced to take art classes in 8th grade because all the other options were full. At this time, I knew quite nothing about art and I was failing the class, I didn't like it. So bored out of my mind I did my own projects, mostly landscapes, objects, etc, I failed the class. I then took multimedia class in the next semester but I didn't like the class either (also failed that class too!). The computers had photoshop, so I started drawing but it looked terrible so I did the same the next day and the next and the next. Until summer then bought a computer and now I am here. 2. Tell us about your aesthetic.As you may have figured from the last paragraph, I like to hop from one thing to another all the time, so my "art style" switches on the daily. I usually pick a style depending on what I want from the picture. 3. What is your favourite medium and why?Animation, if I had the tech, I would probably switch in a heartbeat. You can use pictures to show so many ideas and emotions but it's nothing in comparison to what animation can do. 4. What is your artistic process like?Wake up. Think. Then ask myself how do I turn that idea into a picture so that people will know what I'm talking about without saying it outright. Usually, it fails. But sometimes it doesn't, and other time what you see is what you get and that's fine 5. Who and/or what inspires your work?Mostly, ideas from movies music etc but mostly movies sometimes I'll be consuming content and think of a moment and think of how I could capture a moment like they did with an illustration. 6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?Usually, moments pass by without a thought when I draw a picture of something. I can slow down and really think about what it is I'm trying to convey. In short, it's mostly for me to slow down and think about stuff. 7. Where did you study?I didn't, I passed high school about a year ago and haven't gone to any school or anything. I have drawn digitally for fun for the past five years but only 11 months ago, I started doing vector illustrations. When I passed high school at the time, I wasn't good enough to go to college for it. I didn't have the money either or the grades, probably should have passed multimedia class I guess. 8. Where do you see yourself in five years?Working part-time drawing and selling my art part-time sounds fun going 100% freelance isn't that great I like being around people. 9. What about in ten?Hopefully, I will make my greatest project A kid. 10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?A decent lifestyle some home time some people time so I can meet cool people that like stuff that I do. 11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?Little Caesars $5 large pizza, that's a sweet deal and a meal. 12. Favourite book?I don't read and I failed all my classes so you already know I didn't read of mice and men. Green eggs and ham was nice though. 13. Favourite genre of music?I might as well answer all of the above cause I listen to everything literally have over 2,500 hours on my Spotify last year and I don't like listening to the same thing over and over but rap is the most diverse genre so it's my favorite there is rap you can dance, analyze, chill and study 24/7 to anything. Shout out to Blond by Frank Ocean. 14. What are your hobbies?Drawing, listening to music, watching movies mostly. 15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?Hopeless. I didn't go to college and am not really doing anything so if it weren't for this, I would be like every other bum I used to know. Comments are closed.