Instagram: @takasinakamura83 Tumblr:
1. What's your story? Where are you from?I am from Niigata, Japan and was brought up amongst mountains and rice fields. I went to the school of illustration in Tokyo when I was 18 years old. After graduating, I have been working as a freelance illustrator since then. 日本の新潟とい所の出身。山と田んぼに囲まれて育ちました。18歳から東京のイラストの学校に行きました。卒業し、それからはフリーのイラストレーターとして活動しています。2. Tell us about your aesthetic.I am attracted by casual moments, sceneries seen in daily life. 日常の中で見られる何気ない瞬間、風景に惹かれます。3. What is your favourite medium and why?I use the commercial aqueous pen. Because it is a familiar thing. 市販の水性ペンを使っています。身近にあるから。4. What is your artistic process like?After thinking of what to draw, I outline the draft with a pencil and trace it with a pen. Then, with lines and dots. I describe this drawing process as filling up the surface. I am often asked by many people if I use a ruler. I do not as it becomes slow to draw with one. 生活していて、「あ、これ描こう」と思ったものを、鉛筆で輪郭だけ下書きして、 それをペンでなぞって、あとは線や点で、面を埋めるような感じで描いていきます。よく人に訊かれるのですが、定規は使いません。逆に描くのが遅くなるので。5. Who and/or what inspires your work?I recently like Utagawa Hiroshige and Komura Yukigake. Also, I like music and novels. 歌川広重、小村雪岱が最近好きです。あと、音楽が好きです。あと、小説が好きです。6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?A pleasant and fun thing. I think that I want it to be so. 楽しいこと。そうあって欲しいなと思っています。7. Where did you study?I studied at the Illustration department of Tokyo's design school. I study the picture of the work all the time while working. 東京のデザインの学校のイラストレーション科です。仕事の絵は、仕事をしながらずっと勉強中です。8. Where do you see yourself in five years?I may not change. 変わらないかも。9. What about in ten?I may not change. But I may change little by little. 変わらない。でも少しずつ変わっていくのかな。10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?It would be nice if a tired person possibly sees a picture of the work and relaxes a little. 疲れている人がボーっと自分の絵を見て、少し落ち着けたりするような、そんなことができたらいいです。11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?CURRY WITH CHICKEN CUTLET カツカレー12. Favourite book?Shugoro Yamamoto "Aobeka story", Yasunari Kawabata "sound of the mountain", Richard Brautigan" In Watermelon Sugar" 山本周五郎「青べか物語」、川端康成「山の音」、リチャード・ブローディガン「西瓜糖の日々」13. Favourite genre of music?Rock'n roll. Though I do not understand English, I hear the U.K. and American music, as well as the Japanese ones. ロックンロール。英語はわからないけど、イギリスやアメリカのもの、日本のものも、いろいろ聞きます。14. What are your hobbies?Painting. I think that both the paintings I make at work or in my free time are hobbies. 絵を描くこと。仕事で描く絵も、オリジナルで描く絵も、趣味みたいなものだと思っています。15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?I think I will study agriculture while working as an office worker. I cannot imagine it. 会社員をしながら、農業をやっていたと思います。想像ができないけれど。Comments are closed.