Instagram: @timowskee Website:
1. What's your story? Where are you from?Hello, my name is Tim Romanowsky. I work as an artist, animator, illustrator and I were born in Halle, a small city in the east of Germany. Some years ago we moved to Leipzig to build a new home. so right now I live and work here. It's a really nice environment with a strong art scene. also small but a lot of things going on. my workplace is always changing between our small studio, home or travel to friends studios.2. Tell us about your aesthetic.I like to mix geometric shapes, weird characters, faces and patterns to a complex composition. I try to create a new world so there are abstract pictures that work more like objects between landscapes. And on the other hand, there are figurative works where I show the inhabitants of those worlds. sometimes these two worlds mix up. For me, it works a bit like a puzzle or a labyrinth without an end. I place some forms and try to find a connection to other objects or characters. I like when things are not so clear and moveable. so my challenge is to find an order.3. What is your favourite medium and why?when I work with colors and brush my thing is acrylics. I didn’t do so many silkscreens, but I actually like the aesthetic a lot. so I should do more. haha. since Riso printing had this big revival I did a lot of Riso print. It has some nice things and I like the flat colors. for sketches are mostly simple line drawings on paper. If I have a studio I try to work on bigger things and if not I shrink my format or work digitally.4. What is your artistic process like?It depends on my day. mostly there is more than one thing going on at the same time so I can easily switch if I'm not comfortable with the one in front of me. I try to sketch quite a lot to collect ideas. my plan is always to use this sketches for something but mostly I came up with other things or I simply forget to look at them again. It's a good investment for the future. I like the idea that there are always some ideas to work on later. When I work on animations, it's a complete different work-flow. I need to plan way more things and I need a lot of time to start with a project. if this hard start is working good I enjoy the real animation work-process a lot.5. Who and/or what inspires your work?For sure the fact that I share the atelier with my wife is an inspiration. We find similar things but both of us try to use them in our own artistic language. I like to look at so many different things so I can not really say I’m touched by one special artist. there is always something inspiring around even it is music, movies or hang out with friends. Lately, I found a lot of great works from American modernist artist that I never knew about before.6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?It's always around. I’m always next to the best illustrator in the world, my wife Stefhany Lozano. so we are always surrounded by something art related. It can get a bit too much sometimes when you have to value everything you see. The fun in art is important. I have a good feeling when art is not so serious and overpacked with content.7. Where did you study?I did a diploma at the art-university in Halle in graphic-design and during this studies, I did one-year animation/illustration at the University of Luzern, Switzerland. In one point the studies were a bit confusing, so I needed some time to figure out what I really want. in our class, we had the opportunity to take a lot of different courses. so you could find out whats your thing or you just get lost in everything. all in all, it was good to get skills in different professions like graphic design, traditional printing or editing. and….best thing… I met my friends and work buddies there.8. Where do you see yourself in five years?I hope to continue my works and have open eyes for new things.9. What about in ten?still motivated to create new things and a nice house and big studio would be a good thing.10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?I don’t really think about it. most of my works are in within this big world I have created. so they just grow for themselves. But I'm always happy when people like one of my artworks.11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?Vietnamese food, everything with cheese, chocolate, and Arepas.12. Favourite book?I don’t spend so much time in reading. Stefhany always tries to give me books to read which I'm really happy with. the last one I got myself was a David Hockney- book. I mostly buy art- related books.13. Favourite genre of music?Lately, I'm into hip hop again. I always thought it's over but somehow it came back. I got also into new wave / dark wave sounds. there are a lot of nice things for me to explore. dirty three, a silver mt. zion, Radiohead, will oldham are some classics I always need around. it seems a hard mix but for me it makes sense.14. What are your hobbies?I think there is not really a thing that I can call a hobby. If it's about spending free-time it's going to gallery openings, dinner with friends, visit friends, watching stupid cartoons, watching good cartoons.15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?A friendly monkey.Comments are closed.