Instagram: @xsong847 1. What's your story? Where are you from?Hi, I am Song and I was born and raised in China, currently living in New York as a freelance Motion Designer and Illustrator. 大家好,我叫宋心月,来自中国。现在作为Motion Graphic和插画的自由职业者生活在纽约。 2. Tell us about your aesthetic.It’s hard to say. I am kind of new at this. I am still exploring new things and refining my style. Besides that, I like to have a playful composition and bright color in my works. 这有点难说,我在这个行业里算是一个新手,所以更多的是在探索新事物,完善个人风格。除此之外,我个人比较喜欢有趣的构图和明亮的色彩。 3. What is your favourite medium and why?I love vector. I always use Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects to do my work. As a Motion Designer, It’s more convenient to animate my illustration. On the other hand, I cannot live without COMMAND+Z. 我喜欢用电脑来完成一切,AI和AE是我最常用的软件。作为一个Motion Designer, 用AI绘画可以很方便的转到AE做成动画。再说谁不喜欢COMMAND+Z呢? 4. What is your artistic process like?I usually start with sketching, making sure of the image composition or the character’s posture. Then, I get started on Illustrator, adjusting the details, experimenting with the colors. And the final step, which is my favorite, is adding a little texture to it. 我一般会先画几个草稿,确定一下构图或是人物的姿势。然后在AI里完成剩下的部分,调整细节,实验色彩。最后一步是我最喜欢的部分,就是加一点纹理在上面。 5. Who and/or what inspires your work?Everything! Cat, plants, cassette, rainy day… I get inspired by everything around me. 一切!猫,植物,磁带,下雨天,周围一切的事物都能给我灵感。 6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?A safe place, with all the shit things that happens every day, I really need a place to get rid of it all. 一个安全的地方,每天都有很多破事发生,我很需要这么一个地方逃离这些烦人的事。 7. Where did you study?School of Visual Arts, I was there for 6 years and got my bachelor and master degrees. I loooooove SVA, the best college in the world! School of Visual Arts, 我在那里待了6年,拿到了学士学位和硕士学位,我太爱SVA了,这个世界上最好的学校! 8. Where do you see yourself in five years?There are a lot of things I'm waiting to achieve, getting an agent, doing some editorial works and creative commercial works, and also working on my own projects. 有很多事要做,找到一个经纪公司,做一些editorial works和商业作品,同时也能有时间做一些个人作品。 9. What about in ten?Working hard, being a real artist, living where I want to live. 努力工作,成为真正的艺术家,想住哪住哪。 10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?To share emotions and moods with people. It would be great if my work can cheer others up. 能和他人分享我的心情和感受,如果能给人们带来力量和快乐那就更好了。 11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?My mom’s dumplings, cabbage, shrimp and pork filling. 我妈包的饺子,白菜虾仁猪肉馅的。 12. Favourite book?I don’t have a favorite one. I read a lot of Japanese comics when I was little, 20th Century Boys made a big impression on me. 我没有特别喜欢的书,以前看了不少日本漫画,其中非常喜欢《20世纪少年》。 13. Favourite genre of music?80s and 90s old Chinese and Cantonese Songs. 八九十年代的华语和粤语老歌。 14. What are your hobbies?Drinking coffee while watching TV shows which I’ve watched more than 20 times : ( 一边喝咖啡一边看我看了20多遍的电视剧。 15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?Maybe I’d do film restoration. I used to be obsessed with lost films, film restoration, and film colorization before I went to college (and now). 大概会去修复胶片,我曾经(以及现在)对散失电影,底片修复,和底片上色技术都非常着迷。 Comments are closed.