Instagram: @yukiko_taa
1. What's your story? Where are you from?Hello, I am Yukiko Ota. 23 years old, I am a designer based in Tokyo, and a freelance illustrator. こんにちは、私は太田悠輝子です。今23歳で、東京を拠点にデザイナー、フリーのイラストレーターとして活動しています。2. Tell us about your aesthetic.Women, homosexuals, nature. I like the things constantly shaking. 女性、同性愛者、自然。 絶えず揺れ動いてるものが好きです。3. What is your favourite medium and why?Drafts are made up with thick brush using Photoshop. From there the real number is copied on paper with a pencil and it is colored with acrylic and ink. Working time has been shortened considerably since I made photoshop as photoshop. 下書きはPhotoshopを使って、太いブラシで面構成します。そこから本番は紙に鉛筆で書き写し、アクリルと墨で着彩します。下書きをphotoshopにしてから、だいぶ作業時間が短縮されました。4. What is your artistic process like?In most cases, painting is a familiar person around me. It is the feeling that I imagine and draw the words, gestures, music that was flowing at that time, the music that was flowing at that time, the place on the cell phone, and connecting it in the head when I was alone. I do not want to create unrealistic things even if I say imagination, there is a sense that I would like to draw on the essence of those people, to draw surreal things. ほとんどの場合、絵に描くのは私の周りにいる身近な人です。日常会話の中で気になった言葉、仕草、その時に流れていた音楽、場所を携帯にメモしておき、一人の時にそれを頭の中で繋げながら想像して描く感じです。 想像といっても非現実的なものを生み出したい訳ではなく、さらにその人達の本質に迫りたい、超現実的なものを描きたいという感じです。5. Who and/or what inspires your work?Affected artists, Henri Matisse, Chagall, Jean Michel Folon, Hieronymus Bosch, Morikazu Kumagai. 影響を受けたアーティストは、 Henri Matisse、Chagall、Jean Michel Folon、Hieronymus Bosch、熊谷守一です。6. What role does art play in your life? How does it change the way you view the world?Since art can express emotions that can not be communicated everyday, it restores the feeling of floating and sinking just right balance. It would be best if the person who saw my work got the same feeling as that. 芸術は普段伝え切れない感情を表現する事が出来るので、浮いたり沈んだりする気持ちを、ちょうど良いバランスに戻してくれます。私の作品を見た人が、それと同じような感覚になれれば最高です。7. Where did you study?I was studying visual design at Musashino Art University. In parallel with that, I created illustrations and animations by myself. 武蔵野美術大学で、視覚デザインを学んでいました。 それと並行して、イラストレーションとアニメーションを独学で制作していました。8. Where do you see yourself in five years?I am still drawing a picture and I would like to extend my work not only to paper but also to cloths and bowls. I am still planning, but I'd also like to stay abroad. 私はまだまだ絵を描いていて、紙だけでなく布や器まで作品を伸ばしたいと思っています。 まだ計画中ですが、海外で滞在制作もしてみたいです。9. What about in ten?I think that I would like to create a studio by gathering friends who like to express purely in a place surrounded by nature as much as possible. なるべく自然に囲まれた場所で、純粋に表現する事が好きな友人を集めてスタジオを作りたいなと思っています。10. What do you hope to achieve with your art?I want you to cause strange emotions and encounter new freshness. 妙な感情を引き起こし、模範的でない新しさに出会ってほしいです。11. Now, tell us a little more about you as a person: what is your favourite food?Peach. 桃。12. Favourite book?Novel is Sayaka Murata. I read many books on psychology and culture. 小説は村田沙耶香。心理学、文化に関する本を多く読みます。13. Favourite genre of music?It is really various, but this week's playlists are Portico Quartet, Chaielift, Land of Talk, Soft Hair, Zack Villere. 本当に様々ですが、今週のプレイリストはポルティコカルテット、Chaielift、Land of Talk、Soft Hair、Zack Villereです。14. What are your hobbies?Recently it is unusual for swimming. 最近めずらしく続いてるのは水泳です。15. If you weren't an artist, what would you be?Fashion relationship, psychological counselor. ファッション関係か、心理カウンセラー。Comments are closed.